Monday, February 6, 2012

Kuzuzangpo, from Zhemgang!

Hello, everyone! I have been on the road to Zhemgang and getting settled into my house. I arrived on Sunday after a loooong drive to Trongsa. On the way we stopped to have a tour and tea at Dochola with the architect who designed the buildings and grounds. It is placed at a high pass and had some snow and ice on the ground, but the day we visited it was beautiful. Our vehicle took a side trip to Wangdue to see the lodgings and drop off one of our teacher's things. When we reached Yangskul Resort in Trongsa, we were exhausted (it was 8:30) and I just fell into bed. The next morning I woke up and had a proper look at our surroundings. I have pictures that hope will load because words do not do it justice. From there it was a three hour drive to Zhemgang.
It is amazing the change in terrain a few hours can make. We have seen alpine, forests, and subtropical all within a short trip. One thing everywhere we have been has in common are the mountains.
Once we made it to Zhemgang, I met one of my Vice Principals and a young lady that works in the school office. They were especially kind helping us to find my house and Samdrup had me to stay over at her family's home the first night so they could get the house cleaned up before I moved in. My house has one large main room, four smaller rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. I am only going to use two of the rooms; one as a sitting room and the other as a bedroom. The only real drawback is that there is only one water source and it is in the bathroom. The bathroom floor stays wet because there is no washbasin or bathtub, so to get water I have to change into my flip flops to go in and back into my regular shoes as I go out! I still need to work on my strategy for using a squat toilet : / (enough said!) I was busy boiling water this morning for my Irish Breakfast tea (but no raisin bread), dishes, and a bath on my gas stove. They have been working on the electricity, so no electricity yesterday and today until 5:00 pm.
I got use from my silver emergency blanket last night as it was very cold and I do not have a heater. The blanket worked but I will have to get a heater.
Thanks for all the comments, if you have any questions please post them and I will try to answer.  


  1. Looking forward to the pictures!!

  2. Just really excited for you that your adventure has begun. I really look forward to reading your posts keep them coming!

  3. I've been thinking about this squat toliet since yesterday and I need a picture or a better discription of this bathroom.
